Accessories for Thermacell MR-GJ Mosquito Repellent Outdoor and Camping Repeller Device, Green

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15-foot by 15-foot "Zone of Protection" against bugs or 225 square feet
Cordless, pocket-sized, portable and lightweight appliance
Silent and virtually odor-free operation
Silent and virtually odor-free operation
All ThermaCELL products come with a one year warranty
15-foot by 15-foot "Zone of Protection" against bugs or 225 square feet
Effectively repels mosquitos, black flies and other flying, biting insects
Cordless, pocket-sized, portable and lightweight appliance
Silent and virtually odor-free operation
All ThermaCELL products come with a one year warranty
Thermacell E-4 Mosquito Repeller Refill with Earth Scent, 48 Hour Pack (12 Repellent...
Refill pack includes 48 hours of DEET-free mosquito protection refills and cover scent
For use1

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